School Bus and Children TrackingConsumer Products

Tracklane School bus tracker allow parents to track their child with the help of global positioning system installed on the school bus. Parents are able to track the current location of the school bus and are able to manage their daily routines.

With School Bustracker, the school can send messages and push notifications directly to the parent app. This helps the school notify parents or guardians of potential delays en route or other relevant information.


1. Easy to use . Only mobile number is required to track any bus.
2. Can track multiple buses from single application.
3. Can add identifier for each bus like own name or child name.
4. Provide current location of bus with current speed.
5. Traffic and route of bus with stoppage is available in advance on map.
6. Location alert on Pick and Drop location according to end user choice.
7. Bus breakdown and bus swapping alerts are also available.

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